1Hour 1Life Wiki
Here, you’ll find all the recipes on the server that we’ve either changed or added.
Alarm Horn
Here’s a handy tool to keep your settlement safe. Just right-click it when you spot an outsider approaching. This will sound your family’s unique horn and mark the intruder with a glowing effect, making them easy to spot. Every family has its own distinctive horn sound, so you’ll know who’s on alert!

The compass recipe has been made slightly cheaper to make map-crafting more accessible.
Remember, compasses on this server always point North—not to spawn.

Chainmail Armor
When you are too poor for full iron gear

Where are those spiders when you need them?

Why is this not already in the vanilla game?

Book & Quill
Preserving history for future generations is important. T
his will help make it easier for you to do just that.