1Hour 1Life Wiki

1. Total Lives Lived
At the top left, you’ll see a number showing the total amount of lives you’ve lived on the server. Each life is a new adventure, adding to your overall experience and history.
2. The Server’s Current Year
Next to your total lives, you’ll find the server’s current year. Time moves fast here, so keep an eye on the calendar as you navigate through the generations.
3. Your Family Info
On the right side of the screen, you’ll see all the important info about you and your family:
• Your Name:
Who you are in this life.
• Your Age:
How old you are, measured in minutes.
• Your Generation:
What generation you belong to within your family.
• Your Parents’ Names:
The names of the players who brought you into the world.
• Your Family’s Name:
The name of the family you belong to.
• Year of Family Founding:
The year your family was first established on the server.
• Family Generations:
The total number of generations your family has seen.
4. Direction Indicator (Compass)
At the bottom of the screen, just above the hotbar, you’ll see the direction you’re facing—this is your built-in compass. It displays directions like North, South-West, etc., to help you stay oriented as you explore the world.