1Hour 1Life Wiki
Need to manage your little ones but can’t find your Baby Handler?
This command gives you a Baby Handler if you don’t already have one in your inventory. It also clears out any extra Baby Handlers you might have, ensuring you only keep one on hand.
Usage: /babyhandler
Need a break from parenting?
Use this command to ensure you won’t receive any new children for the next 5 minutes. Perfect for when you need some “you” time!
Usage: /childfree
/you are
Cradle your child and give them a name that will carry on your legacy.
This command lets you rename your baby while you’re carrying them, giving you the power to shape their identity.
Usage: /you are <Name>
Example: /you are John
/we are
Starting a new family as the first generation?
Use this command to rename your family and set the foundation for future generations.
Usage: /we are <Name>
Example: /we are Smith
Want to expand your family or take someone under your wing?
Use this command to send an adoption request to another player. If they accept, they’ll join your family and be teleported to your location.
Usage: /adopt <Player>
Example : /adopt Jane
Trouble in the family?
Start a vote to banish a family member who isn’t living up to the family’s standards. If the vote passes, they’ll be removed from the family and teleported far away.
Usage: /banish <Name> <Reason>
Example: /banish John Griefing
Ensure your most precious items stay within the family after you pass.
Use this command to pass on items to another family member.
Usage: /will <Player>
Example: /will Jane
Got a legendary sword or a trusty tool?
Give it a name worthy of its reputation! This command lets you rename the item you’re holding in your main hand—limited to tools, weapons, and armor, and only once per item.
Usage: /renameitem <Name>
Example: /renameitem Excalibur
Encounter a rule-breaker?
Use this command to report another player for breaking server rules. Your report will notify all moderators and be saved for future review.
Usage: /report <Player> <Reason>
Example: /report Jane Cheating
Leave a lasting message on your grave with this command.
Your final words will appear on the back of your gravestone, immortalizing your wisdom (or warnings) for others.
Note: Requires a premium rank.
Usage: /lastwords Dont trust John
Example: /lastwords <Message>
Want to switch between your custom skin and the immersive Civllager skin?
Use this command to toggle your appearance while you’re in the council area.
Usage: /disguisetoggle
Make a connection with another player by sharing your real in-game name.
This command lets you reveal your true identity to someone you trust.
Usage: /shareign <Player>
Example: /shareign John
Before diving into the game, it’s important to know the rules.
Use this command to read the server rules, and when you’re ready, accept them to start playing.
Usage: /rules, /rules accept
Need a link to our Discord community?
This command gives you a clickable link so you can join the conversation.
Usage: /discord
Help spread the word about the server!
Use this command to get a ready-made advertisement message that you can copy and post in the Minehut hub.
Usage: /ad